Expert Dermatological Care for Skin Conditions
Are you suffering with a chronic skin condition such as Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne or Rosacea? Skin conditions such as these can be both debilitating and confidence sapping, plus they’re often widely misunderstood and subject to misdiagnosis. Our Dermatology Team are here to help.
specialist Dermatology
Dermatology is a highly specialised branch of medicine, requiring a minimum of 14 years training. So while your well-meaning friends may be inclined to give advice, skin conditions are one of the hardest things to diagnose accurately.
Not only are there literally thousands of conditions that can affect the skin, the fact that they present differently on different people make them almost impossible for a lay-person to diagnose.
SKIN provides expert Dermatological care in a warm and caring environment.
Our Dermatology Team brings the benefit of extensive training and experience to each and every patient they see. It’s this experience that enables them to recognise the subtle differences between seemingly identical rashes. And just as no two conditions are the same, your ideal treatment plan may be quite different to that recommended for someone else.
Effective Dermatological Treatment Plans
While it may not be possible to ‘cure’ all skin conditions, our Dermatology Team are almost always able to recommend a treatment plan that will make a dramatic improvement to even the most persistent conditions. And if the conditions change, we’ll work with you to evolve and refine your plan to consistently deliver the best possible result.
World-Class Dermatologist & Dermatopathologist
Dr Ben Tallon is an internationally recognised Dermatologist and Dermatopathologist. He is the only practising Dermatopathologist in New Zealand with International Board qualifications. A Fellow of the NZ Dermatological Society, the Royal Australian College of Physicians, and Executive Member of the Australasian Society of Dermatopathology, Ben’s qualifications and extensive experience enables him to provide a truly world-class service. Read more…
Dermatologist BSc, MBChB, FACD